This unit is about Bonding.  Topics include the following:  Ionic Bonding, Covalent Bonding and Shapes of Molecules.  Molecules actually have shapes to them, they aren't all in straight lines.  These shapes also contribute to the molecules properties and are a major focus in the study of pharmaceuticals and many other molecules.

Table Code:  

IT - IsaacsTeach.  This is an online series of tutorials and guides to help with AP Chemistry Topics. They are very well done and align to our class quite well. 

MR - Mark Rosengarten.   This is similar to IsaacsTeach but covers some different topics.  These are often more entertaining than the usual science videos.

TT - Teacher Tools.  Teacher Tools is a set of reference materials, worksheets, and self-quizzes to assist in practice.

Q - Quizlet. This will be a link to a Quizlet on the topic.

Animation - A short clip usually under two minutes long.

PPT - This is an abbreviation for PowerPoint.  Some are originals and others are from other sources.

Podcasts - Podcasts are audio lectures on a topic. Practically all of them on this page are going to be original so it is a good way to reinforce a lecture.

PH - Resources with this code are from a previous textbook that I used.

A Short note about animations and videos.

There are several sources for a complete library of chemistry videos and animations.  For the tutorial videos, I have gone through many of the sources and have chosen two of them that I think are the best.   I looked for the ones that were the clearest, and most entertaining. 


General Information & Reference

 Bonding Checklist 
 Vocabulary List # 1 Ionic Bonding
 Vocabulary List # 2 Covalent Bonding
 Reference: Bond Types
 Reference: Ionic Bonding TT
 Reference: Guide for Finding Oxidation States
 Reference: Lewis Structures TT
 Reference: Intermolecular Forces TT
 Reference: Notes on Bonding
 Reference: Bond Energies
 Reference: Chart of Electronegativity
 Reference: Writing Molecular Shapes
 Reference: Summary of Molecular Shapes
 Reference: Notes on Formal Charge

PowerPoints & Podcasts

 PPT: Bonding Chapter Notes

Worksheets & Activities

 Worksheet - Types of Bonds # 1
 Electronegativity Worksheet
 Lab 24 - Go to Copies of Lab Page
 Element Limerick
 Bonding Puzzle # 15
 PH Guided Reading # 1
 PH Guided Reading # 2
 PH Section Review Ionic # 1
 PH Section Review Ionic # 2
 PH Section Review Ionic # 3
 PH Ionic Vocabulary Review
 PH Section Review Covalent # 1
 PH Section Review Covalent # 2
 PH Section Review Covalent # 3
 PH Section Review Covalent # 4




 Animation: Ionic Bonding
 Animation: Covalent Bonding
 Animation: Electronegativity
 Animation: Polar Molecules
 Animation: Molecular Shapes # 1
 Animation: VSEPR Overview
 Animation: VSEPR with 2 effective pairs
 Animation: VSEPR with 3 effective pairs
 Animation: VSEPR with 4 effective pairs
 Animation: VSEPR with 5 effective pairs
 Animation: Lewis Structures # 1
 Animation: Lewis Structures # 2  Resonance


 Video: WOC - Bonding
 Video: Ionic Bonding
 Video: Covalent Bonding
 Video: Electronegativity

Tutorials - IsaacTeach

 Introduction to Chemical Bonding Part 1
 Introduction to Chemical Bonding Part 2
 Properties of Ionic and Covalent Bonding
 Metallic Bonds
 More on Covalent Bonding
 Molecular Geometry and VSEPR

Tutorials - Mark Rosengarten

 Ionic Bonding
 How Covalent Bonds Form
 Polar and Non-Polar Covalent Bonds
 Properties of Different Types of Materials
 Shapes of Molecules
 Molecular Polarity
 Lewis Structures

 PH Practice Problems Ionic Bonding
 PH Practice Problems Covalent Bonding
 PH PPT: Bonding Overview
 PH Covalent Vocabulary Review
 PH PPT: Ionic Bonding
 PH PPT: Metallic Bonding and Alloys
 PH PPT: Molecular Compounds
 PH PPT: Octet Rule & Covalent Bonding
 PH PPT: Molecular Orbitals
 PH PPT: Bond Polarity/Intermolecular Forces